Melody Gardot
One day while riding her bicycle, the driver of a Jeep made an illegal turn, hurtling into her and leaving in the street for dead. As she lay hospitalized for months with multiple head injuries and pelvic fracture. Upon release from intensive care, Melody, found the strength and determination to further her career. Hypersensitive to light and noise, she wore dark glasses. Despite these hurdles, she recorded her debut full-length, Worrisome Heart.
Rearranged body parts of the illustration shaped a patterns, giving the artwork new context. Utilizing color and pattern on the inner sleeve and center label allows the communication system to flow while staying on brand.
Nina Simone
One of the most celebrated jazz singers of all time. Simone didn’t have a bright, stinging voice like a lot of her contemporaries, but rather a rough-edged contralto voice which is the “lowest female voice type.” This allowed her to reach depth of sound that a lot of female singers physically cannot.
Nina Simone inserted a classical touch into her repertoire of jazz and folk tunes. The center label and inner sleeve draw from her modern style while staying on brand.
Billie Holiday
With no formal training, and I would argue that it is because she wasn’t trained into a box, that her voice sounded free and effortless. She was the first jazz woman to experiment with the shakiness you hear in her voice, a trademark of hers throughout her career.
Scheiles' distinctive style was built on one main foundation and mean of expression — the line. Influenced by line expression, the Magnolia, which is Holidays' favorite flower, sits on the singers' name, reflecting how she would wear them on live performances.